What is meant by CSS ?


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What is meant by CSS ?

Introduction to CSS:

WWWC(World Wide Web Consoritum) organization In 1994- -->Proposed Style sheets which is named Cascading Style Sheets(CSS). But it starts its implementation in the year 1996.

--> Current version of css is CSS3.

-->CSS is used for styling/Designing of the web page.

-->CSS can be implemented in HTML using Three ways:

1. Inline CSS : In the line of an element, we can write "style" as a property.

2.Internal CSS : Usually all css with selectors can be included in "style" element.

Syntax for internal CSS :

<style> selector{ property: value; } <style>

3. External CSS : Here we can write CSS in External file with Extension .css and link that file in HTML. <link rel="stylesheet" href="link"/>


Inline -->internal-->external by mentioning Id-->Class-->tagname. ! important tag can bring anything to the top of the priority to chain.

\=>Class---> Is Used to identify the element or group of elements . multiple elements may have same class name or one element may have multiple class names. To use class, we use (.)notation.

\=>ID----> Is Used to Identify unique for an element . To use Id, we use (#)notation.

\=>tagname---> Is declared by tags like --> h1, p, div, span, img, etc....

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