Table formatting tag in html :
In html <table> table tag contains the total structure of table .Inside this Table there is <tr>,<td> and <th> tags by using this tag we create a table.
\=> <table>the whole table information is present inside the table open tag and close tag</table>
\=> <tr> --- Table row it creates empty rows which present inside the open and close tag </tr>
\=> <td>---Table data gives the data to the table rows either text or image inside open and close tags</td> which present inside the table .
\=> <th>--- Table heading gives the heading data to the table inside open and close tag </th>
Example :
<title> about creating tables in html</title>
<table border="1">
<td> 1</td>
<td> Ammu </td>
Attributes in table :
To give border to the table we use an attribute----> border="1" or "2"
To align text or table in middle point we use an attribute--> align ="center"
To merge rows inside the table we use an attribute--->row span="2" how many rows you want to merge you can give that number.
To merge columns inside the table we use an attribute--->colspan="3" how many columns you want to merge you can give that number.
Example :
<title> about creating tables in html</title>
<table border="1">
<th colspan="3">student</th>
<td rowspan="3"> details</td>
<th align="center" clospan="1">sno</th>
<th align="center" colspan="1">sname</th>
<td> 1</td>
<td> Ammu </td>
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